FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Importing Users > Importing Microsoft Exchange Users

Importing Microsoft Exchange Users

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The Import Microsoft Exchange Users utility can be used to automatically create new FaxPress mailbox accounts based on user account information in the Microsoft Exchange address book.

If you create FaxPress users from existing Microsoft Exchange database groups, the FaxPress users’ login process is by default integrated with their network login via Single Sign On. This allows automatic login to the FaxPress without prompting the user for a mailbox and password. See Creating User Accounts for more information.

To create new FaxPress accounts from existing, registered Exchange user accounts, follow these steps:

1. Go to Start>Programs>FaxPress>Administration Tools>Import Microsoft Exchange Users.
2. In the Register FaxPress Users window, log in to the designated FaxPress server by entering the FaxPress Server name, and an supervisor-privileged User Name and Password. Set the Privilege Level, Settings, and Mailbox ID as you would in creating a new FaxPress user account.
3. Click Register.
4. From the Microsoft Exchange Global Address List, select a user or group to import, then click OK.

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Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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